Monday, November 30, 2020

Exams, Pre and Post.

Exams are tough. We all know that. It feels like a soul sucking few weeks of sleepless nights, fully caffeinated drinks and further struggle with remembering vast amount of information. And oh the palpitations that follow up. I honestly saw my blouse move at some point with my heart rate. Had to give myself vagal massage because I thought i was having an arrhythmia(SVT lol since that's that one which has vagal massage as #1 step). 

While in high school I felt that was the hardest thing ever. Lol. Then I entered medical school and the hell broke loose. 

Studying everyday, making notes, reviewing notes, trying to have a life. Even during the global pandemic my university was very prompt into starting the online classes which kept my a$$ on the chair from morning till sundown. 

Well with corona, my academic year got delayed by 1 month and every exam was basically jammed into the final weeks of school. This meant 7 different courses assignment, 7 different block end exam, 5 OSCE exam(which by the way got cancelled 2 days before and all time to prepare for it was almost a waste) and 7 final exam paper. I felt my brain getting squeezed out everytime I set for my papers. My chair has my a$$ print and bed is basically like a boat now since I sat every waking hour, which was 18-20 hours in a day. 

Post final exams when you sleep at night thinking yasss I'll sleep all the way till morning but your body and head isnt yet synced to the fact that you are done with exam so you basically end up awake at 3am. Wide awake, sharp and alert. 

With all the time at hand now. I guess I'll just start by cleaning my not so clean but not so filthy room. 


  1. Ohh darling. This is amazing 😍. Our lifeless life but given another opportunity we will still choose mbbs. We are so used to being on our toes at all times now it feels like we have nothing to do. Literally after final paper we were bored out of our skull😂.

    1. Omg over and over again. It's like a toxic relationship 😂


Waiting for my time

 i have spent years studying to be a doctor, working hard every day so that i can walk out in that white coat, using my skills to help a per...