Procrastination is a risky game we all are bound to get stuck in once in awhile. This imperfection is what makes our varying personas connect with each other at a similar level. By definition procrastination is an active action of postponing or delaying any activity you are suppose to do. You can call it an invisible diabolical action that incarcerates you in your own realm of idleness.
With an unending unchecked boxes on the to-do list work keeps piling up or there is that one thing you just cannot get yourself to do. In simple words you're just "not feeling like it". I wish I could write this as a solution to this issue but before that let's understand the science behind procrastination.
Our brain, the "overlord" of our whole body system has this special place called limbic system which basically processes emotions, memory and behavioral responses. It's made of different structures like amygdala; like an army it detects threats and decides how to respond. The hippocampus which is like a university campus which helps in learning and deals with memory. Thalamus relies all your sensory information ie; everything you see, hear, touch, pressure and pain EXCEPT smell (that's perceived by your cerebral cortex). Hypothalamus is master of your bodies hormonal system. Basal ganglia helps you to do things like speak, move, emotion and behavior and lastly cingulate gyrus again process behavior and emotion.
Now with all these fancy medical jargon you have noticed "emotion/behavior repeatedly written. Our bodies tend to reciprocate positively to the hormones released when we do something that makes us happy/feel rewarded. This hormone is called dopamine. According to Havard University research article dopamine which is associated with food, exercise, coitus, love is now also associated with social media. Well why not, right? Out of 7.82 billion, 50.64% of us use social media. Since using social media causes dopamine to release in small impulses we tend to use it more and more often. Meanwhile the task that has been hanging on our to do list forever imposes as an unpleasant event. Here the amygdala kicks in and sees it as "threat" decides to work against it by causing your limbic system to override your pre-frontal cortex. Pre frontal cortex helps you to make decisions for better future, impulse control and logical thinking.
So you see now our brain basically responds to what we perceive from our environment. Hence, procrastination simply becomes an imminent future to anyone who exposes themselves to shortlived dopamine parties. This would only push your schedule further and when that deadline is about to arrive the amygdala will kick in again seeing the impending doom if you don't submit the work. That's when you start to panic, pulling all-nighters, cram and this is where your orbitofrontal cortex comes into action and guess what it does. Yep, you guessed it right. It causes the ultimate feeling of regret.